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The Specifics of Tree Pruning in Sydney

Updated: Oct 1

All trees are unique and as a result, different species will respond best to different approaches when it comes to pruning. Having said that, all trees require pruning to really thrive so it’s best to familiarise yourself with when it is best to target them to get the most out of your beloved trees. Thanks to the diversity in climate that Sydney enjoys, it basks in a wide variety of trees, with each benefitting from different pruning techniques and schedules. Below you will find some guidance on what trees you need to target, when it’s best to give the arborists a call for a trim of the foliage and what forms of pruning are really beneficial:

Eucalyptus: Eucalyptus trees can grow to enormous heights and mature trees have a bad habit of dropping branches unexpectedly. These are an important one to keep on top of and are best left to the professionals. 

Jacarandas: A substantial prune, at least every three years, will help to ensure that crossed up or dead branches don’t inhibit the growth of the canopy. Targeting this in winter will reap the best results.

Bottlebrush: Have your bottlebrush trees pruned annually for best health. By targeting it after flowering, in late spring or early summer, you will help to maximise flowering. 

Gums: Gum trees won’t necessarily require annual pruning but they will benefit from pruning when in the growing stage to achieve the best shape possible for your landscape. Trimming behind the gum nuts also helps to encourage new growth.


Whilst those trees listed above are some of Sydney’s more common trees, tree pruning Sydney is largely driven by seasonal and climatic factors. Whilst pruning is key to tree health, pruning at the wrong time can severely damage the health of a tree. Here are some things to consider:

Winter pruning schedule: Whilst the leaves are off on deciduous trees, this is a great time to get stuck into the pruning. There is easier access and clearer view of branch structure. Not to mention there is less sap bleeding and stress placed on the tree during these months whilst they are dormant. 

Spring pruning schedule: In order to get the best shape and structure, prune flowering trees right after they have finished blooming. Certain fruit trees, like apple, cherry and plum trees also really benefit from being pruned in Spring. 

Summer pruning schedule: As pruning severs the tree, summer is a really great time to prune fruit trees as the cuts heal really quickly, with a barrier forming, helping to ward off moisture and disease. Pruning during summer will also help to facilitate the next season’s crop of fruit. 

Autumn pruning schedule: Tree pruning Sydney in autumn is a time to exercise caution. Not all trees will respond well to an autumn prune so it’s best to keep it light. Especially avoid pruning if flowers or buds are starting to form. 

Finally, the style of tree pruning Sydney will also vary based on the needs of each tree species. These specific techniques can make all the difference and are where a professional arborist will really shine:

Crown thinning: This involves being very selective and evenly removing inner branches throughout the tree’s crown. It is highly effective allowing light to travel through the crown and air to circulate freely. All while maintaining the tree’s natural shape.

Crown raising: This involves removing the lower branches of a tree. This may be done to create clearance but it also benefits the tree by providing reduced weight and increased light. 

Crown reduction: This involves reducing the overall size of the canopy. By shortening the branches, the risk of pathogens and disease is reduced.

Deadwooding: A tree branch can die for a number of reasons. Deadwooding is simply removing any branches that are no longer alive.

Selective pruning: As the name suggests, selective pruning targets particular branches for removal. Usually those that have decayed and are at risk of falling or attracting other pests and disease. 

As you can see, there is far more to successful pruning then just ripping in with the trimmer or chainsaw so be sure to contact Arbor Co for all your tree pruning needs. Your trees will thank you.

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