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Why an Arborist Report is so Important

Whilst it may seem that if a tree is on your property then you should have the right to cut it down or remove it, it’s not that simple. Trees are complex, living structures that often take decades or longer to reach maturity. These larger and more mature trees are far from being simply decorative. Whilst they certainly have a high aesthetic value, they serve an incredibly important environmental and social role, ensuring a balance between urbanisation and environmental conservation.

Each Sydney council enforces its protection of its foliage under Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and Local Environment Plans (LEPs). Regardless of which council you fall under, the extent, criteria and severity of penalties imposed for illegally lopping or removing trees are dictated by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Penalties for breaches of these laws are categorised into 3 tiers:

Tier 1: This tier is categorised by the most severe breaches. For example; anyone causing significant environmental harm or injury/death to a person. Corporations can be fined up to $5 million and individuals up to $1 million. Additional fines may also be incurred if damage is ongoing.

Tier 2: This tier involves serious offences and fines up to $2 million for corporations and $500,000 for individuals. 

Tier 3: This tier involves less severe offences, with corporations facing up to $1 million in fines and individuals up to $250,000. 

Urban canopies have a real value and these laws and penalties reflect that. It’s simply not worth risking removing trees illegally.

With that in mind, it’s crucial to engage a consultant arborist to walk you through the process of arborist report Sydney to ensure that you and your trees are well looked after. 

Engaging a consultant arborist 

Beyond just tree pruning and tree removal, which is what a practising arborist does, a consultant arborist will be able to advise on tree management and be able to prepare an arborist report Sydney to ensure that all legal requirements are met. Councils will only accept arborist reports prepared by a consultant arborist with a qualification equivalent to the Australian Qualifications Framework Level 5. These arborists are members of professional organisations, which require ongoing professional development, helping to ensure the professionalism of their advice. 

What kind of arborist report do you need?

There are a range of different arborist reports, depending upon the circumstances of your situation. You may be interested in pruning or some larger scale clearing for development. Each circumstance is covered with its own style of report, which are listed below:

Arboricultural Assessment Report

As a private property owner looking to enlist maintenance work for trees on your property, this is most likely the type of arborist report Sydney you will need. These types of reports assess the overall health of a tree and its surrounding environment and will advise on management regarding pruning or removal.

Tree Risk Assessment Report

This type of report can be enlisted if there are concerns about safety and the risk a particular tree poses to people or structures. If a consultant arborist detects structural defects in a tree then they may recommend internal diagnostic testing. The findings from these tests will determine whether or not a tree poses a threat and needs to be pruned or removed. 

Pruning Specifications 

Incorrect pruning can have devastating and lasting impacts upon a tree. Therefore, these reports detail specific branch sizes and locations and the percentage of the crown of a tree that can be removed. Photos need to be included and these types of reports can be standalone or included with other types of reports. 

Tree Management Plans

These reports involve long term strategies for a tree or groups of trees. 

Tree Development Reports 

These reports act to protect good quality trees on a site when a development project is being undertaken. It’s best to include a consultant arborist from very early on in the development process.

So, regardless of what tree related work you require, always incorporate a consultant arborist into the process. This helps to ensure that you are legally protected and that your property and its trees receive the best outcome.

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